the major insight in these next 100 pages is that midwife practice is not terrible and that it can be pleasing to women. There are times where a women feels pleasure from giving birth and that the mind is in a state in which the pain no longer exist. This pleasure from birth is called orgasmic birth. In this part of the book the images show women as they ar giving birth and they all seem to be smiling and look like they are enjoying giving birth because it feels good.
I thought this was not possible for a woman to experience but in some cases things like this happens. it surprised me at first and i thought it was weird for a women to experience, but i think that at the moment of giving birth, feeling good may not be such a bad thing. I think its great someone experiences that during birth because it totally cahnges the mood in the room from nervous and scared to enjoyable and maybe a little bit scared.
I think orgasmic birth should be publicized. To know that it can feel good is comforting, the only problem is that not everyone experiences it so it may not be such a good idea for someone to get pregnant just so they can experience an orgasmic birth.
I think that more books should include the techniques used in birth. Ina May lists out a bunch of things women can do to ease the pain, things such as laughing, or going in warm water to help open the sphincter
Another thing that should be addressed is the fact thateating good is precious in the pregnancy process. I feel that as a whole, women feel that they can eat whatever they want since they are pregnant but its bad because the baby get nutrients from what you eat so if a woman eats pringles and honey buns all day, it can harm the baby
I like how there are pictures showing positions that can comfort the pregnant woman and these moves have been around for a very long time and it is amazing because these people had no hospitals and they all came out fine but doctors insits that hospitals are whats best.
I like the way that the author described ultrasounds and how she said that they led to cancer for babies in the 70's . This should be paid attention to for the mother to understand that there were side effects back then.
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