Saturday, December 11, 2010

important insights:

she didnt want to put her husband in an institution
death at home with his family was very sad but important
a hospice was not provided while he was sick
she let her son say goodbye to his father
the older son still is depressed.
death was not easy for the family since they were all very close to the father.

one important thing that i liked was when she said that she didnt let anyome take care of her husband. i thought it was so good that they spent alot of time together in his last months of life. I feel like they did so much in those months an there was like no regrets. Even though she misses him, she seemed really humble.

Another important insight that i thought of was when she woke up her son to say goodbye to his father when he was already dead. That reminded me about when my uncle died and i was left to say bye to him. it was hard to say thing to someone and they dont answer back because it feels so weird to not get a response and to talk to someone that has passed away. In our culture its so common that we speak to the dead. its also like when people die, we feel like they have special powers and like they are listening and watching us from above. I think that speaking to the dead is scary but we always do it

a question that beth made me think about was, how does she sleep at nite in the samme house where her husband died? Also i wonder if she has had any supernatural things happen to her because in america we are obsessed with the supetnatural and whenever skmeone dies we all have this experience where wr can feel their prescence just like my mom always tells me. I wonder if she is scared of loving again or if she thinks that her husband is watchin her. she seems to cope really well but is it just her hiding what she really feels?


  1. Matt, you had a lot of insightful thoughts about Beth's experience with the death of her husband, and i asked the same questions, about if she gets sad or happy when she sleeps on her bed. One of the conclusions i came up with after hearing Beth's story and reading Tuesday's with Morrie is that, when someone is dying they took the family time option and stayed with them from beginning to end. So i think that's why she's able to deal with it, but she's surely reminded of her husband more than if he was at the hospital 90% of the time.

  2. hey, io just read your post and i think that you really went into depth about everything. to me, it seems like you could really relate to her because you was talking about your uncle and your experience with when you had to say your final goodbye. that made the post a little moire personal.
    i think maybe to go a little more deeper with it, you could have answered your own question. for example how do you think you would have handeled the situation where your wife died. would you still sleep in the same house, or bed? would you try to move on and try to love again? put yourself in that position.
