Sunday, January 2, 2011

hw 27

nobody in my family was sick durin this break and I was happy about that because I really hate the way my family gets when someone is sick. I did find out that my aunts husband who is about 70 years old has colon cancer, on top of the fact that he lost his sight a year ago. I remember seeing him so happy and smiling and seeing us in his house. this is the same person who lost all 4 sons and now my aunt has he husband with her and he cannot even function properly anymore. Iris so sad to see someone suffer like that. My uncle now has to go get chemotherapy now. It reminds me of when my mom ha cancer and lost her hair. she was really sick and luckily my brothers an I had family that helped out. Now that he is sick, my aunt is really hurting. If she were to lose him she would be all alone.

one thing that I feel relates to the situation was that he was like Morrie. everytime I saw him he got worse an worse. it sucked to see it but it's like everyone in my family i going to go through a situation like that. I don't think he will ever smile or laugh again. he cannot even see his own wife and it is so sad but she Is really strong because she manages to still be happy everyday and she reminded me of the guest speaker that we had. I mean it wa sad that she lost her husband but she seemed to cope with the loss. I think that my aunt is going to be ok though because in my family, deaths are very common

I remember when he came to my house maybe around the summer time. He wasn't really sick then. He was blind and had a cane and didn't know who anyone was because he couldn't see us. I felt so ba because all he did was sit in a corner and when I went to say hi to him he didn't know who I was and he didn't smile. It's like he gave up on life. No matter how he is, my family refuses to call him or invite him places, even though we can all easily pick them up or bring them over since they live 6 blocks away. I find it upsetting because my family won't realize that him and my aunt are family too. I felt really upset and couldn't believe what happened to him in a matter of a year and a half. I think ever since his last son passed away he started to deteriorate.

1 comment:

  1. Damn, this blog was a tough read. Reading your blog made me realize how normal and unreal death is, and how much you think you may know someone. The first thing is that your aunt and uncle are really strong even after losing 4 sons, which is a lot to begin with, and the second is that knowing you all these years Matt never did i ever think you had a lot of deaths in your family because you're so optimistic. I think you're almost like your aunt because you move on even when something hurts. All in all your blog was powerful, and made me learn something new about you, the only thing i can say for your next blog is spelling you had a few typos, see you later man.
