After watching the film I felt very diifferent. I kind of saw death as never being peaceful There were sometimes during this unit when I thought that the way people die and how they celebrate deaty can be something sad but people embrace it as a part of life and they thought that it should be something we celebrate and try to enjoy. Even though its sad. In the movie, it seemed that maude, harold, and the mother were all different. Harold was obsessed and facinated by death. Maude didn't care when people died but she would always care for other thing dying such as plants. She also was very close to living very naturally meaning she didn't waste things, she cared for animals and her body. She lived eating organic things. She hated when other things died but when people died she didn't seem to comment. They can both relate because harold and maude both have this obsession with death
Harolds mother was the one who didn't care about her son doing these things. Its like she didn't even consider death ever happening which was why she was never scared and she didn't mind that her son acted like killing himself. She only showed emotion when he messed up her bathroom. Harold's mom seemed to be naiive about death and she didn't realize it even when her son tried to make her realize it. It was as if she didn't want to accept death as a real thing which is why she ignored it.
The significance of death in the three characters is that harold and maude are surrounded by death and they understand it. Harold concentrated more on illness and dying while maude focused more on care of the dead. She cared for flowers and plants like the one in the back of the stolen truck she got. Harold focused more on ways to hurt himself and it consumed his life and his relationships with other people. The mom seemed to try and break harols vicious ways but he didn't listen which made me think that harold is trying to symbolize death as inevitable in many forms while his mom symbolized us as society trying to avoid even though it is a part of us.
The theme of the funerals in the play seemed to be very sad and depressing. It rained and was very dark out. I felt that harold and maude were the alternative to emotions. They didn't seem to be affected by death because even thoguh they were physically close to it, they weren't actually close to the people dying. They made it seem like funerals shouldn't be sad times but the people there make it sad. Maude seemed to appreciate life and the beauty while harold appreciated death. As he said, "I enjoyed being dead." Maude tries to convice harold to love life and I feel that since she is older, she has lived better and experienced more than harold. I feel that he is so obsessed with death because nobody helps him to experience life and that's where maude comes in.
This movie was more interesting than I originally thought. When harold was facing death with someone who was important to him, he feared it because he didn't want her to die. He was obsessed with death but once it came to him he automatically cried. This makes me feel like no matter how much we prepare for it we will still be unprepared for it. Its not everyday where we love someone such as harold loved maude. Once we lose that person we lose who we were. We feel that we exist onlyy lif they do. Harold felt like the only way he existed is if maude. He loved her and she died making harold all alone again as if nobody cared for him. This makes me feel like we can all talk about it but once it happens to someone close to us it changes who we are. Harold not being with maude I think made him appreciate life a bit more than in the beginning of the movie.
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